Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Villagers are ready for baptism

The family of believers

The villagers are ready for baptism with Pastor

The believers family
Rev Rajan Victor with the poor peoples at their house

Rev. Rajan Victor praying for tribal peoples

Rev. Rajan Victor at the time of Baptism.

She is very happy to take baptism

The villagers are taking interest in baptism

Rev Rajan Victor with believer at their village

Rev Rajan victor giving message at church

About Church

Rev,Rajan Victor worked with Indus Baptist christian Fellowship for 35 years,he was Director of entire tribal ministry in sindh province.
     In 2009 he was retired from his job and ICF abandon Marwari ministry, but as Rev Rajan Victor's father Late Rev Damji Philip was pioneer of marwari ministry about 5 to 6 thousand marwari peoples are believers,
     These days no one is doing any fellowship work, Rev Rajan Victor wants to continue his ministry with tribal believers and wants to do Church planting & follow up work in entire sindh and like to encourage marwari believers and wants to train leaders. 
His prayer request is..
       If any believer, or church wants to help him he will be very thankful to you,and he can continue his ministry. thanks


Postal Address: P.O. Box.30. Mirpurkhas sindh Pakistan.

Cell No: +92 306 3441200.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


They say time is precious,
That time is of the essence,
But what is this illusion?
What is time?

It goes by, they say,
But I don't see anything.
They even say,How time flies,
Does it have wings?

Never have I seen it,
Never have I understood it's physical being.
But I do know some things,
I know the time that I'm away from you.

Time is precious.
It is of the essence.
But no time is worth my time,
Unless that time is spent with you.


خودی گردن کشی اور خود سری کو مسیحا مجھ میں تو بےجان کر دے

صلیب کلوری میں ہے یہ قدرت شکستہ جان کو انسان کر دے

بارے دنیا میں رہو غم زدہ یا شاد رہو

ایسا کچھ کر کے چلو ،یاں کہ بہت یاد رہو


This is the other way that we c an see the important of the Bible. I like the described Bible word which brings our thought to see that how special is the WORD of GOD. I think that if we all emphasis on this we can easily understand the Bible.

BIBLE- ( Basic Information Before Leaving Earth )

2تیمتھیس 16:3 -17

ہرایک صحیفہ جو خدا کے الہام سے ہے تعلیم اور الزام اور اصلاح اور راستبازی میں تربیت کرنے کے لیے فا ئدہ مند بھی ہے “ تاکہ مردخدا کامل بنے اور ہر ایک نیک کام کرنے کیلے بالکل تیارہوجائے.

2 Tim 3:16-17